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Susana Peses
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- She was born in Buenos Aires and lives in Barcelona since 1988. In both countries she studies and paints. Already in Barcelona, personal circumstances led her to discover the technique of engraving, that marvels her and that she incorporates forever into her paintings and collages. She currently exhibits graphic work in Spain, Argentina, and Norway. She juxtaposes images and materials seeking fragmentation and repetition; she converts empty spaces into senses trying to achieve a plot of tactile surfaces in which the images float, agreeing among them their own path. She uses the language of engraving and printmaking as an expressive nodal resource throughout all her work in which chance, surprise and chaos find a peaceful landscape to manifest themselves. Her engravings, unfinished, intangible, evanescent, momentary, unstable, explore, without circumventing the dark, different possibilities fascinated by the enigma of life.